One part of an RV that requires perfect cleaning is the windshield so that the driver can be able to locate his way quickly and while on transit.
Cleaning your RV windshield makes them look new and enable you to view outside without straining. The following ideas will help you clean RV windshield easily.
Steps to follow when cleaning a windscreen
STEP 1: lift the windshield wipers and let them remain in an upward position throughout the windshield cleaning process. Ensure you clean the surface beneath the wipers to get rid of stuck dirt particles.
STEP 2: Spray half of the windshield using a glass cleaner. You can opt to start from the left or right of the windscreen by spraying at least two squirts of the glass cleaner detergent.
STEP 3: Use wipes to wipe the glass vertically. Wipe the windshield from top to bottom in a straight line repeating the procedure until you reach the glass’s farthest corner. You can use a stand-alone ladder or a step stool to gain some height and avoid straining to reach the top part of the windshield.
STEP 4: wipe the windshield horizontally when you are through with vertical wiping. Starting from the top center of the windscreen, drag a microfiber rag horizontally towards you and repeat wiping every time starting a parallel row below the first row until you reach the bottom of the glass. Remember, you start cleaning from one end of the windshield, either the right or left side.
STEP 5: The same process of applying a glass cleaner and wiping vertically and horizontally should apply on the other side of the windshield. If you started with the right side, repeat the procedure on the left side of the glass. Always avoid wiping in a circular motion because this may leave streaks on your windshield.
STEP 6: The last step is buffing the windshield. Note that the first procedure of wiping horizontally and vertically was to remove the glass cleaner. Polishing now involves rubbing the shield in a circular motion starting from one side, as you did earlier, and proceed to the next side as you did earlier.
How to clean RV windshield interior section

STEP 1: Place some microfiber towels on your dashboard to prevent any liquid dripping on your dashboard. There is no harm using the cloths already used for buffing the windshield exterior.
STEP 2: Spray some squirts of the glass cleaner on the passenger’s side of the windscreen. Scrub the windshield in parallel rows running sideways to the center towards the driver’s side until you finish one side. Apply the glass cleaner on the driver’s side but maintain your position at the passenger’s hand so that you do not tamper with the steering wheel while cleaning
STEP 3: After applying the cleaner, scrub the second half of the windshield the same way you did with the exterior part. Finally, use a dry and clean rag to clean all the cleaning detergent, and this leaves your windshield crystal clear.
You should try as much as possible to avoid ammonium cleaners because they can destroy your windshield tint.
Maintain using auto glass cleaners and microfiber cloths for your windshield cleaning and ensure you use one side of the fabric to clean and the other side to buff.
Always remember to clean your wiper blades whenever you clean the windshield. Replace wipers when you realize some defects that prevent them from hugging the windshield cause them to scratch the windshield.
Regularly cleaning your recreational vehicle windshield will help to prevent it from permanent stains. A twice per week cleaning program depending on the frequency of using the truck is a good one.
Cleaning the bugs from the RV
Nobody wants their RV to look dirty. Bugs can stick on the RV screen and if left unattended for too long can make it dirty. Keeping bugs to remain on the RV windshield or surfaces can result in splatters that will be sticky. Do not keep it there for too long else it can become worse.
It will hardly take 10-20 minutes to get the job done. So how do we get this done? Lets talk.
Clean using warm water and soap. This is the most basic idea that any one can use. We mostly use common soap like dawn and use little warm water to get the job done. You can use a long brush with a good handle. Normally, we carry ours in our rig all the time.
Many a times we stop in between to do this. Once you are at the campground do check on the windscreen or other surfaces and get it cleaned immediately. Do not put if off for other time.
Using dryer sheets can also help in removing tougher bugs or sticky liquids that have been there for long time. Specially when you travel long distance you may not be able to work on it. For such instances, dryer sheets can be much helpful.
All purpose cleaner with microfiber cleaner can also be put into use when you don’t have many options.
Apart from this normal and easy to execute steps you can also make use of specialist bug remover.
If you own that luxurious motorhome then you need to be more careful in choosing the cleaner. Some manufactures also have recommendation on this, you can follow your RV manufacturer.
Preventive options : So, is there any preventive method to keep the bugs away? Looks like, there is!
Wax coating products like rejex can be used to keep the bugs away. Whenever you are ready to travel, take few minutes and coat the RV with this wax coating. It also helps protect against the UV radiations. It also keeps the dust, bird droppings away.
RV Windshield Cover : When parked or at the campground we also use cover. This helps in protecting the windshield. Those who camp i snow, for them this a great option. It can also be used for enhance privacy in case of small RVs.
1. Clean using super fine steel wool
Superfine steel wool will help you clean water stains from your windshield without scratching it.
I would advise that you do a test cleaning on a small portion of the windscreen to confirm that you have the finest steel wool. Wipe the tested surface using a soft cloth to get rid of steel wool material and confirm the superfine steel wool does not scratch the windshield.
You may also opt to use cleansing pads instead of steel wool, but do not forget to test first before trying to clean the whole windshield.
2. Use silicone sealant to prevent leaks
Silicon sealant perfectly penetrates cracks and crevices to form an excellent watertight seal. Ensure you thoroughly clean and dry areas where you intend to use silicon sealant for the best results.
Using a mobile dehumidifier in your recreation vehicle will help you eliminate any water spots forming on your windshield as a result of condensation.
Avoid cleaning your windshield in the sun
You may decide to take advantage of the midday sun and lunch break to clean your van windows and windshield. The downside of it is that the sun may cause your cleaner to dry fast and leave behind water spots and streaks.
The best time to clean your recreational van windows and shield is early in the morning or in the evening. Alternatively, you can clean your van windows under the shade away from direct sunlight.
Use residue glass cleaner
Another remedy for maintaining your windshield clean and clear is glass cleaner. A few drops of lemon essential oil added to a one to one ratio of water and vinegar solution is another natural remedy that can maintain your windshield crystal clear.
Coat your windshield with regex
Coating your windscreen with regex before leaving the house will protect it from ultraviolet light damage, birds’ poop, dust from other vehicle users, oil, and some from exhaust smoke from other vans.
Use the reach and clean tool to clean your windshield and windows
There are use and reach tools that are triangular and pivoted that can help you reach tight corners of your windshield while cleaning instead of using ladders.
In Conclusion
In addition to cleaning your recreation van windshield, maintaining a regular cleaning schedule for other vehicle parts is fantastic. Most natural glass cleaning detergents can also clean your windshield, and you do not have to buy brands that only advertise names. Maintaining a clean windshield is one way to make your adventure enjoyable.