How to maintain an rv air conditioner

How to maintain an rv air conditioner

We, most of the times tend to think that air conditioners on RV are self- sufficient and do not need regular maintenance. That’s precisely where we go wrong.

We will always devote our time checking on the condition of the water heaters, cleaning awnings or even improving the roof condition, only to forget that our air conditioners need some attention too.

You definitely want to have a great experience during the summer, and this can only be possible if you maintain a regular check on your RV air conditioner. This guide will help you get some tips on how to maintain your RV air conditioner.

1. Check for leaks

There’s a rubber gasket mounting the roof and the A/C. You need to maintain a regular check on it to ensure that there are no rainwater leakages in case the mounting are loose.

Water leakages can be very harmful to your RV rooftop air conditioner. Thus, need to think about making the repairs on the rubber gasket before it’s too late.

2. Keep the cooling fins straight

The cooling fins should always be straight to maintain continuous airflow into the air conditioner. In case the fins are venting then you make use of a comb or some blunt knife to straighten them gently. However, you need to be careful not to damage the condenser.

3. Keep an eye on the thermostat

You also need to check the thermostat to ensure that your RV is running on the ideal temperatures. This thus requires you to physically check if the thermostat is in good condition and if there are any damages or any components that aren’t plugged in properly.

If your thermostat is getting old or it is not in the right shape, then you may opt to acquire a higher quality that would operate more effectively. A programmable thermostat would be the best choice to consider as it allows you to set up temperatures for varying times during the day and be able to automatically lower them anytime when you need to save some energy.

You also need to ensure that the wirings on the thermostat are properly fit. If you sense any overheating or burnt wires, then you may need hiring an professional to help you complete the task more efficiently.

4. Check if the filters are in good condition

The RV AC filters can get damaged by small particles such as dust, molds and some pollen, and this can highly affect the air conditioner’s performance. You can, therefore, use some warm water to thoroughly clean the filters to get rid of such particles for better results.

This should be done at least once a year to avoid incurring more replacement costs when the filters are completely damaged.

5. Clean the condenser coils and the evaporator

The evaporator coils also need to be inspected and cleaned thoroughly to get rid of the dust or dirt build-up. Will need to remove the filters in order to access the evaporator coils.

A small soft bristle brush can be an excellent option to use while brushing off the build-up from the coils. The small bristles are able to reach all parts of the evaporator coils and remove even the tiny particles.

Once you are done, you can now get to the condenser coils. Accessing the condenser coils will, therefore, require you first to remove the rooftop shroud. All you need to do is simply unscrew all the rooftop bolts take out the plastic cover and the vacuum out of the dust.

You can use some spray-on coil cleaners to get rid off debris, some fallen leaves or just dirt from the condenser coils to improve on your RVs efficiency.

6. Unclog the condensate tube

Sometimes the drain tube can be clogged, hence affecting the entire RV AC operations, and you, therefore, need to maintain some regular checks on the drain tube. The drain tube can be clogged due to bacteria manifestation forming some slime hence clogging in the drain tube.

7. Physically inspect the air conditioner regularly

You need to physically inspect the RV air conditioner if it is in good condition or if there are any cracks. However, it’s essential to take some precautions before performing any maintenance processes. Disconnect the power supply to air conditioner before doing any maintenance. Air conditioner on RV is exposed to harsh elements and that can take a toll on the AC. Tree brnaches brushing, dust particles, wind all can be bad over a long period of time.

8. Get the right AC unit size

Usually, the AC units sizes are designed depending on the feet’s that they are meant to cool. It is extremely important to consider getting the right size of AC depending on the space it will be running.

For instance, if an AC unit size is designed for a smaller space than you have in place, then it will work way too hard to meet the thermostat demands and will wear out quickly which will cost you more money to make the replacements.

9. Store the camper with an AC cover

If you can get a quality AC cover to protect all the units from any form of damage, then that would be the best option to go for. This will save you some funds and a lot of time taken to inspect the damaged parts, cleaning or even replacing them with some new elements.

10. Other things to keep AC in good condition

Other than inspecting and cleaning the air conditioner there are some other minor considerations we may need to take to ensure that our RV ACs lasts longer. Some of these tips include;

Turning down the lights

Some of these light bulbs can create lots of heat, and you, therefore, need to consider just switching on to the LED lights to allow some heat admittance. Basically, what this means is that you’re using the LED lights only to provide the light and hence saving on heat energy.

Control heat by closing the windows

A lot of heat can get in the RV through the windows especially when temperatures are too high.


These are all top tips you may consider to get your RV air conditioner in the right shape and to avoid incurring extra replacement costs.

In cases where you need to do some repairs, it’s always advisable to seek the help of a qualified professional to avoid making mistakes or damaging the AC further.

Remember that doing it by yourself will cost you more since you’ll also need to purchase the required tools and equipment.

G. Yoganand

A RV enthusiast who spends countless hours researching and learning various things related to RV camping. He believes in spending time doing Outdoor activities.
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